


DnB Heads, listen up! The first Drum Pack by LAUT has finally arrived. With Roller Drums Vol.1 you will find hard hitting Kicks, grinding Snares, as well as heavy Top Loops and Breaks en masse.
With this Sample Pack you can ensure that your productions are ripping apart those eardrums. The included samples are inspired by the Music of Benny L, Bou, Critical Impact or Stompz. That means if you are aroused by whopping and ribald sounds, LAUT is the right choice for you. Because the guys of LAUT have put a lot of love and detail in every single Sample.LAUT guarantees that all of the 100 included samples will find use. That means no extra money for unnecessary gimmicks. Additionally they wrote the key note into the file name so that you will always find the perfect sample for your personal sound. LAUT ́s philosophy promises to reach the maximum volume with your production. Your studio will never be quiet again.
44,5 MB
24 bit samples
172 BPM
  • 25 Kicks
  • 27 Snares
  • 25 Top Loops
  • 21 Fog Breaks
  • 98 All


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